my tomodachi Japan

housing support


After you’ve obtained your visa, it’s time to get started in acquiring your living arrangements. Here at MTJ, we can help you find a place that fits your everyday needs. We do our best to make sure you have a place by the time you land in Japan or even after you arrive.

If this is your first time living in Japan, it’s good to know ahead of time the type of environment you would like to be in. Do you want to have a place for yourself? Are you okay with having roommates? Or would you like to have a chance to live with Japanese housemates? There are many things to consider, and depending on your answer, we can provide you with the best options to choose from.

A primary challenge in finding a place to live in Japan is the fact that many landlords are apprehensive to rent to people who cannot speak Japanese. Their concern is that if anything goes wrong, the tenant and landlord will not be able to effectively communicate. At MTJ, we can help you find housing by assisting you to overcome the language barrier, opening up housing possibilities that you can’t get elsewhere.

If you’re not interested in renting an apartment, but you’d rather live in a share house, we can help you find the best one for your needs and budget! Share houses are a popular option for young people, especially if you’re interested in making quick friends, and if you’re on a tight budget.

Housing will be one of your biggest expenses when you move to Japan, especially in the first couple months. You don’t want to run out of money before your first paycheck comes in, so you’ll need to save up some money before you move. For more details on the savings we recommend for different situations, check out our article here.

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